As a teacher you can see the difference in kids who have parents who were involved. That difference, by the time these kids get to the third grade, is drastic.

I’ve been a teacher at the college level, in composition mostly, and I’ve been an editor on magazines.

I started the class late. The teacher said I would have to learn as much in half a year that the others learned in a year. I did it.

My dad was a football player – a soccer player – for Manchester United, and I loved playing football, but I also happened to be the guy in class who was pretty good at sight reading. My teacher gave me scripts, and I was very comfortable.

My mother was an actress and my voice teacher, an incredible voice teacher. My biological father is an actor, and my stepfather, who raised me along with my mother, is a psychotherapist. I was always supported in creative ventures.

When I was in fourth grade… this wonderful teacher said you didn’t have to write a book report, you could just talk about the book, you could do a drawing of the book, you could write a play inspired by the book, and that’s what I did. I got to be so famous. I had … Read more

I claim Dickens as a mentor. He’s my teacher. He’s one of my driving forces.

To this end the greatest asset of a school is the personality of the teacher.

When I am able to resist the temptation to judge others, I can see them as teachers of forgiveness in my life, reminding me that I can only have peace of mind when I forgive rather than judge.