Plunderous is the palate I gift to you, openly I hug the universe of our friendship expanding its outer limit.

In those early years in New York when I was a stranger in a big city, it was the companionship and later friendship which I was offered in the Linnean Society that was the most important thing in my life.

The friendship of Shostakovich cast a brilliant light over my whole life and whose spiritual qualities captured my soul once and for all time.

Friendship’s the privilege of private men for wretched greatness knows no blessing so substantial.

If the chemistry is right between star and photographer and the geometry of the pictures pleases the star, often the two people end up with a long-term professional friendship during which they continue to work together and to produce highly personal images.

The essence of true friendship is to make allowance for another’s little lapses.

I loved my 17 years with R.E.M., but I’m ready to reflect, assess and move on to a different phase of my life. The four of us will continue our close friendship, and I look forward to hearing their future efforts as the world’s biggest R.E.M. fan.

Music is the social act of communication among people, a gesture of friendship, the strongest there is.